Microbe-Lift SA


Microbe-Lift SA is yet another specially formulated product for sludge reduction.

Microbe-Lift SA contains natural organic-based humates & humic constituents. These natural compounds include most biological compounds synthesized by living organisms including plants.  They significantly speed up Microbial response to difficult-to-degrade organic matter, resulting in a significant reduction in sludge volumes through the rapid oxidation of many slow-to-degrade compounds.



  1. Accelerates the breakdown of bottom solids.
  2. Accelerates the breakdown of surface crusts and floating organic solids.
  3. Aids in the breakdown of many refractory or slow-to-degrade compounds.
  4. Eliminates or reduces the need for dredging.
  5. It contains all-natural nutrients and accelerators to enhance biological activity and also contains most micro nutrients required by microorganisms.